Shopping at Great Lakes Mall in Mentor, Ohio

This is a vlog of my visit to the Great Lakes Mall in Mentor, Ohio. Of course, the best part about this shopping mall is that it shares the parking lot with a Barnes and Noble that’s still in business; I have a tendency to geek out whenever I see a bookstore. Unfortunately…

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Los Angeles VLOG: Santa Monica Beach Carnival & Arcade

Visiting Santa Monica Beach shot me back to a carefree memory I made in San Diego. I was still in college, and a friend of mine was trusted with the keys to a beachfront condo at Coronado Island. So he invited me over, and we proceeded to play Monopoly for six hours. By 2 a.m., we decided to turn in, and I said, “Alright, this was cool. I’m going home now.” And he said, “Why not stay the night?”

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Korea Vlog: Quest for the Halcyon Marketplace of Dongdaemun

Picking up right where we left off from my arrival in Seoul, Korea. Even though it was only a layover, the footage makes it seem like I was there a good while. The trip seemed like such a blur at the time, but I guess I got a lot more done than I initially thought. I got to try authentic kimbap and tteokboki (spicy rice cakes) for the first time at native food stands, I got to try Lotteria, which is the Korean McDonald’s, and I got to try an actual Korean McDonalds. I also rode my first… [continued]

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Sci-Fi Author Witnesses Korea for the First Time in 25 Years

It might come as a surprise that I’ve only been to Korea just once before, and it was not on vacation. My grandfather that I had never known was on his death bed. Our family was there for approximately three or four days, and the entire arc took place at the hospital, the cemetery, and my uncle’s gold fish and turtle store. As you can imagine, the overwhelming mood of the trip was not leisurely but tense and stressful.

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SciFi Author visits DAISO Japan in Koreatown, Los Angeles

This is a vlog about my visit to Daiso Japan and Sul and Beans Bingsu in Koreatown, Los Angeles. If you’ve been following my narrative, I’m a SoCal native who resides in Cleveland, Ohio, and even though much of my formative years took place in Koreatown, I do not recognize today’s Koreatown at all, because I stopped keeping track of it after I went off to college in San Diego. Suffice to say, Koreatown’s come a long way since the LA riots.

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